Gianmarco Martino will perform the 2nd Klangbilderkonzert on 10.06.2018 at 6:00 pm with his great ensemble consisting of Evelyne Saad (violin), Caroline Metzger (cello), Steffen Trekel (mandolin), Susanne Frohriep (accordion) and Stanislav Efaev (contrabass) in the Museum Behnhaus Drägerhaus.
The concert takes a critical look at the criminal machinations in Sicily and highlights their impact on the lives of the population. There are songs that tell legends about the origins of southern Italy’s criminal organizations, prison songs, murder songs, rachel songs, songs that describe ways a gentleman must go to behave properly, and songs in honor of fighting the mafia of fallen protagonists. It also reflects the everyday lives of people exposed to organized crime.