On 2013/06/03 at 8 p.m. the Martino-Ensemble will perform a concert in the Behnhaus at Lübeck as part of the Klangbilderkonzerte of the Theater Lübeck. Speedy and spirited the famous Tarantella folk dance of southern Italy fascinates listeners and performers at the same time. The dance is closely related to the »Lycosa Tarentula«, a spider domiciled in the mediterranean area. Her poison is known to provoke several psychic and physical dysfunctions especially to female human beings. The Tarantella was performed for bitten victims so that they could sweat out the poison by dancing until the were totally exhausted.
Apart of famous haunting melodies like »Funiculì, Funiculà«, that was written for the opening of the funicular to the Vesuvio, or the swinging »Tarantella del mare« the Martino-Ensemble will perform tunes telling stories about joy and suffering, love and the beauty of the landscape.
In this concert the Martino-Ensemble will be enlarged by Stanislav Efaev, the solo-bassist of the Philharmonisches Orchester of the Hansestadt Lübeck.